Datasheet and basic application circuit included at the end of this document ( 02.06. 2002 )
EM 800 is our specially
featured item for clocks, equalisers
and a whole lot of fun projects.
This tube is offering you a perfect amusement park for
your fantasy and creativity.
EM 800, die besondere
Anzeigeröhre für Uhren,
Equaliser und eine Menge anderer toller
Projekte- Ihrer Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Auf unserer - Seite finden Sie ein komplettes kleines Projekt für eine Aussteueranzeige mit Platine.
Preise für die Röhre finden
Sie in unserer Röhrenliste
Fassungen sind z.B. FAS020 für Platinen- und FAS012 für
Chassismontage, zu finden in der Fassungsliste
EM 800 with zero input
EM 800 with approx -4 V input
EM 800 with approx -8.5 V input, full
Thanks to Ray for the nice drawing
and his hint on how to obtain the negative driving voltage:
I would feed it from an IC op-amp, with a negative power supply,
as an inverting amplifier with a gain of 1,7 a +5 signal input
would make -8,5 v to the tube. The negative supply
need not have much current rating, an ICL7660 charge-pump
converter IC would do it well.
(The classic ICL7660 may not quite make -8.5 to -10 volts.)