Our catalogue of parts

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General information
  • Shipping and order processing info
  • Legend of abbreviations used in lists
  • Sitemap
  • Specials
  • Special offers
  • new tubes
  • Geiger counter tubes
  • Tubes
  • newly arrived tubes
  • The long list ( sorted alphanumerically )

  • Theme oriented sub lists of tubes:
    1. Geiger counter tubes
    2. Nixies
    Tube accessories
    1. Sockets, retainer and bases
    2. Empty plain white tube boxes
    3. Databooks
    1. Authenticaps: GERMAN MADE Twistmount capacitors for US amps
    2. High voltage electrolytics, made in Germany by FTCap up to 550/600 V, clamps etc.
    3. High Grade 1500 V FTCAp polypropylene film caps for amps, crossovers, radios etc.
    4. New Economy-Line Film capacitors rated 1nF (1000pF) to 1µF, 1500V. More and new types in stock !!
    5. NOS antique axial lead Polycarbonate/ Polystyrene - Film-Foilcaps, branded "Elektrika" made by FTCap, Germany in the 1960s to 70s
    6. NOS Mica and Film caps of various brands (RIFA, ERO etc.)
    7. F&T / FTCap High voltage caps up to 40 kV
    8. Other high voltage caps
    9. Japanese hih power ceramic caps
    10. Other ceramic high voltage caps
    11. Vacuum caps
    12. PIO caps
    13. Variable- and bushing caps
    14. Other electrolytics
    Transformers and Chokes
    1. OPTs
    2. Interstage, inductive volume control
    3. Multi purpose mains transformers, current production
    4. Multi purpose toroid transformers for tubeamps
    5. Filter chokes
    6. Mains transformers, surplus
    7. Transformer covers
    8. Custom made mains transformers
    9. Toroid custom made mains transformers
    Special parts for...
    1. Amateur radio
    2. Tube amps
    3. High voltage
    4. Old radios
    5. Your lab ( Electronics and chemistry )
    Cables and Wires
    1. Cloth covered mains cable
    2. Cloth covered "push up" hook-up-wire
    3. High voltage cable
    4. Special wires and HF stranded "litz wire"
    1. Parts and boards for the projects of www.loetstelle.net
    2. Simple and easy way to your own PCBs
    1. VITROHM NOS 0,5-2 W Carbon Composition
    2. Draloric NOS precision CARBON film resistors
    3. Current production 2W carbon film resistors
    4. Power resistors and resistor wire.
    5. Gigaohm-resistors, Focus-Potentiometer
    6. Potentiometer
    1. Databooks
    1. Instruments and Meters
    2. Semiconductors
    3. Assortments
    4. Antique radios
    5. Lamps and bulbs
    6. Phones and Phoneparts
    7. Other gear
    8. Other parts

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